Política de Privacidad

Web privacy policy and data protection
Construcciones Innova Seca SL complies with the provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data, which approves the Regulations for the development of the Organic Law and its adaptation to the regulations of the European Parliament and the Council (RGPD), Information Society Services and the electronic commerce, and current regulations at all times, ensuring the correct use and treatment of the user's personal data; carrying out without prior notice the modifications it deems appropriate as a result of regulatory and internal changes, always in compliance with data protection regulations.
The navigation on this website implies the total acceptance of the following provisions and conditions of use. The use of cookies will be accepted (see cookies policy).

File holder and treatments
Construcciones Innova Seca SL, through the website, can collect personal information from users, therefore, we recommend reading this privacy policy where we inform about the use and treatment of the data that is planned.
In each form where personal data is collected, information regarding the treatment operations that will be carried out will be informed or accessed with the information provided in a clear and accessible manner.
Construcciones Innova Seca SL le solicitará, en su caso, el consentimiento respecto de los tratamientos que así lo requieran. Respecto al uso de los datos recogido con fines comerciales, en su caso, dispondrá del mecanismo para negarse a recibir este tipo de comunicaciones.
The data collected through the different means of contact made available on the website (telephone, email, postal address, forms on the website), will be included in the files of Construcciones Innova Seca SL
In general, the data provided is incorporated into the files in order to meet the requests or queries of information made directly by the user, and send communications about our services, products, events and activities, without prejudice to the existence of other purposes indicated expressly before proceeding with the collection of the data.
All data requested through the website are mandatory, as they are necessary for the provision of an optimal service to the user.
If in any form where we ask for your data, there are optional data, the fields that are obligatory to enter will be duly identified.
In case all the required data are not provided, it is not guaranteed that the information and services provided will be completely adjusted to your needs or the requested service may even be denied.
The communication of personal data by the user through any means available on the website implies the free, unequivocal, specific, express and informed consent to their treatment.
If you do not want your data to be processed, we ask the user not to communicate their data, check the corresponding box if necessary and / or do not continue browsing the website.
Construcciones Innova Seca SL is not responsible for the accuracy of the data received through the Internet, in accordance with the principles of contractual good faith, including those that provide, in their case, minors by circumventing the provisions of this legal notice.

Contact form
The data is intended to collect the necessary data for information requests and, if not opposed, to the submission of information from Construcciones Innova Seca SL

Exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition
Construcciones Innova Seca SL guarantees in any case to the User the exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation, information and opposition, in the terms provided in the current legislation.
Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) may exercise their rights by sending an express request:
– In writing, along with a photocopy of your ID or other equivalent document that allows you to identify yourself addressed to the postal address indicated in section 1 of the Legal Notice.
– By email signed digitally by the applicant or by sending a copy of the ID addressed to the email: info@innovaseca.com
In order to stop receiving new messages with specific information, it will be possible to process in the link for the withdrawal that is indicated in the received mail or from the private part after being identified; either for a specific or total low.

Purpose of the processing of personal data
The purpose of the treatment of the personal data that can be collected is to use them mainly by Construcciones Innova Seca SL to manage your relationship with the User, to offer products and services according to your interests, to improve your user experience and, where appropriate, to process your requests, requests or orders.
A commercial profile will be developed based on the information provided by the user. No automated decisions will be made based on that profile.

Transfer of data
Construcciones Innova Seca SL expressly informs and guarantees users that their personal data will not be transferred in any case to third companies, and that whenever there was to be some kind of transfer of personal data, previously, express, informed, and unambiguous consent would be requested by the holders.
The user's data may be communicated to other companies of the group, if any, for internal administrative purposes that could involve processing such data.

Security measures
Construcciones Innova Seca SL is aware of the user's concern for security, which is why he has chosen to implement security levels adapted to the risks of treatment operations for the proper functioning, functionalities and services of the Web as well as files and treatments, preserving the integrity and security of the stored data and information in order to avoid loss, alteration or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, nature, scope, purposes and context of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed already come from human action or physical or natural environment.
The services that are provided by third parties have the necessary security measures to comply with current legislation in the same terms set forth.
However, the User must take into account that the security of computer systems is never absolute. When personal data are provided over the Internet, such information may be collected without your consent and processed by unauthorized third parties.
Construcciones Innova Seca SL declines any type of responsibility over the consequences of those acts may have for the User, if I publish the information voluntarily.
En Construcciones Innova Seca SL we want the service that our customers receive to offer a satisfactory and safe user experience, so we only choose suppliers with a proven track record and technical solvency that allow compliance with current legal security regulations to prevent loss, misuse or access by unauthorized persons.
In addition, we guarantee that our staff is subject to the obligation of confidentiality regarding the information that is treated by info@innovaseca.com